Narrative 2025

Hello NEO40K Circuit store owners & event organizers, 

This year, the Warhammer Retreat is hoping to support your community by hosting a narrative event the weekend of May 3 & 4, 2025. How can this help you? We'd like to invite any and all NEO 40K Circuit stores who are hosting 40K campaigns to consider tying their storyline into ours as a reward for your store players. And if you don't have a campaign running now? Well, here's a reason to start! 

If this interests you, please forward the following information to your local Warhammer 40K campaign organizer:

Warhammer 40K organizer, 

If you are running a campaign or about to start one that could culminate with your players' forces reaching the remains of Cadia following the Fall of Cadia, Spencer & Mark of Connell Narrative LLC. will take it from there at the Warhammer Retreat.  Spencer Connell and Mark Orosz have organized the Warhammer 40K narrative story line for the weekend to focus on warbands seeking immeasurable treasure and diabolical reward amongst the remains Cadia. You can run your campaign however you like, but please share the following fluff piece with your players:

Gil Fuhr 

contact info:     

Email Gil so you can include your players' stories/fluff/backgrounds in our weekend's player pack.

Storyline segue to tie store campaigns in to Warhammer Retreat storyline:

As the embers of war cool and the once mighty bastion of Cadia drifts across the Segmentum Obscurus, survivors and carrion forces battle for supremacy over the remains of a once great sector. Resistance appears futile. Survival doubtful. Faith grants only a glimmer of hope against the corrupting forces of deception and destruction. Imperial forces are in disarray. Xenos species caught in the crossfire reap the rewards of their hubris. Death hangs over the sector like a shroud. Abbadon’s triumph has been complete; his domination brilliant in its execution, final in its pronunciation.

From those remains, no revival seems possible. 

The stillness casts a silence over much of the voxspace. Once busy hyperlanes now clogged with desiccated carcasses of once ferocious warships. 

But greed brings its own reward. Scavengers flock to the sector, preying on those fleeing Chaos forces. The weak provide easy souls for those who seek sustenance. The shipwide graveyards considered treasure troves to deluded zealots who seek tokens of their devotion. Little do they know of the power of their finds, little do their care for the waste of their rapacity.

There are those who do. There are those who know what settles under the dust and toxins. Treasure immeasurable, once used to defend the fortress world of Cadia. Those forces slide through the destruction, alert to their own demise, breathing it as the corpse breathes its last.  They come for what they must. They come for the remains, to pick though death as one would peruse the babbles of the hive depths market. Grifters seeking the tools of vengeance. 

The time of allegiances has past. 

Thank you, 

Gil, Spencer & Mark and the entire Wicked Dicey Crew